This is a cause that’s rather important for everyone to know about. [edit: removed SOPA widget.]

Real intellectual honesty

The Washington Post has a blog called On Faith that runs articles from various people, both religious and non-religious, on the topic of religion. These blog posts are generally interesting, but the one I read today was pretty absurd. The author, Sam Harris, starts by mentioning his daughter asking him where gravity comes from. That’s… Read More »

On anti-virus

One year ago, I posted on Slashdot that I do not run an anti-virus program on my computer. That spawned a very large set of comments, most of which were telling me how stupid I am for not running anti-virus. I promised one user that one year from that day, I would post the results… Read More »

Weird Al in Two Beats – Final Week

It seems I neglected to post the answer to week eight’s song last week, but I’m only a week late. [audio:] I actually completely forgot what song this was from, and I had to look it up in my key, so perhaps it was a little too obscure.  At any rate, it was from Bohemian… Read More »

AWS PHP classes

I have several SourceForge projects which are PHP classes meant to make interaction with Amazon Web Services. However, I haven’t really had any place with good documentation or examples of how to use these classes, and after a user gave me some feedback, I realized that if I had some place like that, more people… Read More »