Category Archives: Programming

AWS PHP classes

I have several SourceForge projects which are PHP classes meant to make interaction with Amazon Web Services. However, I haven’t really had any place with good documentation or examples of how to use these classes, and after a user gave me some feedback, I realized that if I had some place like that, more people… Read More »

On Xcode

From Apple’s Xcode description: “Xcode is… a productive and easy-to-use development environment, and is the same toolset used by Apple to produce Mac OS X and iOS.”  If that’s true, I pity everyone who works at Apple. You see, Apple has a… creative… definition of “easy to use”.  They’ve redefined it to mean “backward and… Read More »

A shout-out

Just wanted to give a quick shout-out to Mike Wille, for saving me a ton of frustration.  Thanks man, I owe you one sanity (TM).

The iPad

There has been a lot of nerd rage and fanboyism on both sides of the “is the iPad actually interesting” debate.  Of course, that means I’m going to subject you to my opinions on it. So, without further ado… I have always had a love-hate relationship with Apple’s products.  They’re generally shiny and easy-ish to… Read More »

Visual Studio 2008 pricing

I was just looking at the pricing for Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Standard Edition.  As it turns out, there are two pricing options: – Full version ($299) – Upgrade version ($199) Alright.  You see that and you realize “Ok, self, if I have a previous version of Visual Studio, they’ll give me a discount for… Read More »