I wish this were an April Fool’s joke…

By | April 2, 2010

We went to sign the closing papers for our house this morning.  At 2:30 I was informed that my lender had funded the loan.  All that was left before our realtor could give us the keys was for the title company to get the recording numbers from the recording office at the county courthouse.

At 5 my realtor forwarded me an e-mail from the escrow company.  Apparently, the recording office rejected the Deed of Trust.  No, it wasn’t filled out wrong; the reason they gave was that the font is too small.

You read that right.  The font is too small.

This is absurd.  Looking at the Deed of Trust they copied for me, it appears to be a standard form; how did nobody know about this requirement?  How did none of the people processing the papers know about it?  How did none of them catch it?

This cannot seriously be the first time this has ever happened to this escrow company, can it?

If anyone out there is buying a house in King County, Washington, I suggest you make sure the escrow company processing your closing papers knows that there’s a minimum font size requirement for the Deed of Trust (and possibly other paperwork) and that they should make sure their paperwork meets those requirements.

2 thoughts on “I wish this were an April Fool’s joke…

  1. Pierce Johnson

    Sorry to hear you keep running into all these problems with your house purchase. Just for the record, what is the minimum font size requirement? Was it like 12pt or something and somebody used Office 07 with default size 11pt or what? Kind of silly stuff like that is still be processed by paper. I’d imagine there would be a digital trail of all this stuff, making the paper copy almost pointless.

  2. Dan

    I don’t know. It looks fine to me. Lots of the other documents are printed in the same font size.


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